The most common errors when using Roots pumps and how to avoid them


The Roots pump operates on a purely volumetric level and, in comparison to the rotary vane pump, does not have internal compression. It compresses against exhaust pressure. All parts in contact with the media are oil-free.

When selecting and operating a Roots pump, it is not rare that considerable errors are made. They can easily be avoided by considering the specific parameters valid for the individual pump type.

The Roots pump operates on a purely volumetric level and, in comparison to the rotary vane pump, does not have internal compression.
The Roots pump operates on a purely volumetric level and, in comparison to the rotary vane pump, does not have internal compression.

Roots pump seized by switching to ultimate pressure and the resulting local overheating
Roots pump seized by switching to ultimate pressure and the resulting local overheating

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